Ethereum Mining on Linux with open source AMD drivers
1. Install ROCm
Disclaimer: This potentially could harm tour devices. Use at your own risk.
Using ROCm avoids having to install proprietary AMDGPUpro driver.
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] xenial main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rocm.list
sudo apt install libnuma-dev
sudo apt install build-essential dkms
sudo apt install rocm-dkms
sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME
sudo usermod -a -G render $LOGNAME
should find the card.
2. Build ethminer with ROCm support
CPATH=/opt/rocm/opencl/include cmake --build .
cmake .. -DETHASHCUDA=OFF -DETHASHCL=ON -DUSE_SYS_OPENCL=ON -DAPICORE=ON -DOpenCL_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/rocm/opencl/include -DOpenCL_LIBRARY=/opt/rocm/opencl/lib/
build/ethminer ./ethminer
should output something like:
ethminer 0.19.0-16+commit.47ae149e
Build: linux/release/gnu
Id Pci Id Type Name CL Total Memory Cl Max Alloc Cl Max W.Grp
--- --------- ---- ----------------------------- ---- ------------ ------------ ------------
0 08:00.0 Gpu gfx803 Yes 8.00 GB 8.00 GB 256.00 B
3. Monitor
/opt/rocm/bin/rocm-smi --showfan --showtemp --showvoltage --showclock
4. Mine
./ethminer ...options